Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stink, darn you! Stink!

After about 25 minutes at "250 F", the soil was emitting a not unpleasant smell of hot soil. I figured, let's turn it up higher, then it will stink.

So I crank it to "300 F", whatever that is in real temperature inside the oven. As the temperature rose, however, the soil started to make a crackling sound, suggesting boiling water and therefore that it was too hot. I opened the oven again and found that the noxious fumes were stronger but the smell of soil was if anything weaker than at "250 F". So I turned it down, then back up, then back down.

Then I got tired of the whole thing and turned the oven off. My eyes are burning and I want to go to bed. Hopefully this killed some of the evil in the soil and my hard-to-hatch seeds will stand a better chance. If not, meh... There's always more seeds where those came from.

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