Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another good reason to garden

The last two weeks have sucked, the details of which are beyond the scope of this blog but can be summarised thusly: Dunning-Kruger effect, and snakes. There are no biological snakes in Hay River; you know why? Because they got out-competed by all the metaphorical snakes.

The point is, on Wednesday I was in a bad mood, so I decided to sprout something. But what? All my seeds are hard to sprout and I'm getting fed up with them. So, I bought some cat grass seeds. Grass sprouts almost instantly. So I seeded a dozen or so, and waited.

Friday night when I came home from another day of snake oil, snake charming, and other snakiness, my grass seeds had sprouted. Aaaaaaaah... I feel better already.

So the reason one should garden is, people are assholes, plants are just plants. You can never trust a person, but you can trust a plant.

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