Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stop being metaphorical!

My Hope tree is not improving so far. It has no leaves left, which makes it harder to gauge its health, but it does have three live branch-tips, and the ends are still slowly dying. I think I've cut off nearly an inch from each this week. If the branch tips stop dying, it might recover; otherwise it will die.

In a sense, it's "just a tree" and I can always plant another one. On the other hand, Hope and Faith have always been disturbingly true to their names. Faith conquers all things; Hope has always been fragile. So what happens if Hope dies? And more metaphysically, is Hope dying because of the rather hopeless state of things in mt present situation, or is it just a coincidence? If I get the way better job I'm applying for, will Hope get better?

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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