Monday, July 18, 2011

Garden Ninja tightens the noose

After some discussion with my peony expert, it appears that buying a tree peony is a bad idea, for two reasons. One, it might not survive shipping, and two, it doesn't do well (according to her) as a household plant. And normally I don't care what plants want, as I'm sole master here after God, but an $80 plant gets to make the rules. So if the plant says it won't work, I'm not gonna try it.

This brings us back to the herbaceous peonies, of which I've now discovered two more locations: one at the library, of a variety not occurring at any of my other locations; and one in my friend Ioana's garden, and she says I can dig it. Yaaaaaaay! Thanks Ioana!

So now I have permission to dig one variety; I'm sure I'll get permission to dig at the library and the church; that leaves one variety that I've only found on private property not belonging to someone I know. But they have such a massive quantity that I doubt they'll refuse if I ask politely. I could even offer to give them money. Peony roots are quite expensive, so it would be fair to pay them something.


Now I need a container.


Not so much. I just came back from the hardware stores and there was nothing suitable. There are tons of 10" planters, but that's too small for four peony roots. I found one kind of 12" planter; it's very ugly, and also too small for four peony roots. There is one like the Jungle, therefore 20", but I don't want it for two reasons: it's black and doesn't have a false bottom. And then there is one 20" with a false bottom which I suppose is intended to look like... some kind of period piece, even to the fake-aged-metal colour. It is beyond hideous... and costs $50. So no.

Ideally, I'd like a square container, not a round one. I think I might have to have them order one for me. And hopefully we get going to Rocanville so I can pay for it.

Next question: when? Peonies are supposed to be dug "in September" and "at least two to three weeks before first frost".


"Two to three weeks before first frost" is in August. But I suppose the peonies here know that. So I think I'll dig them the second week of August; unless I get called to work before that, in which case I'll dig them before I leave and hope the drip line takes good care of them.

Then, how?

Lois Hole explains how to dig bulbs and it seems fairly easy. Thusly:

  1. Dig.
  2. Remove plant from excavation.
  3. Cut off a chunk of the roots.
  4. Put plant back in excavation.
  5. Backfill.
  6. Water.
Sounds easy enough. Hopefully this isn't one of those things that sound much easier than they really are.

Hehehehehehehehe... My relationship luck is totally gonna be activated! Woooooo!

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