Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Garden Tetris

I was looking at my pumpkins and they're not just making bigger leaves than in previous years, they're also making big chunky stalks and growing upward instead of madly off in all directions. So apparently, they really are enjoying being only three instead of 20 or more in a pot.

Since they're not spreading, I decided I could move them from the shady side of the lawn to the sunny side. So I did that.


Well now I have to move something else to the shady side, because there definitely isn't room for everyone on the sunny side. So Liu Shao-ch'i gets to go into part shade. Then I moved the geranium over next to the Jungle.


That still doesn't really work, because we're going to be brushing against the pumpkin leaves every time we walk by, and they're not gonna like it, I bet.


It seems I may be running out of room on my balcony. So for next year, I'm gonna have to get rid of the clutter at the shady end. Also Planter #3 won't be there anymore. On the other hand, next year all the trees will be in bigger containers. I could move the dog's lawn more to the shady side, but I don't want to, because she likes it sunny.

I guess I'll deal with it when I get there.


Ioana said...

Uh, and I was going to ask you if you wanted to take in some "strays"... I have some herbs to give away to a good home: a bushy oregano plant, a lush Italian parsley plant, a really tall and skinny basil plant and a mint that grows in cycles - right now it's growing upwards, last time it was growing sideways and downwards... But since your balcony is crowded already, I guess I'll just post on FB in the hope that some merciful soul will offer them shelter.

Mongoose said...

Not only my balcony but there are three plants in the living room and even some in the fridge! I also wouldn't know what to do with any herbs. I don't bother much with cooking ever since I've been single.