Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Does this look like a peony to you?

It's another of NTPC's shrubs. It must have bloomed recently because I hadn't noticed it before. I saw the blooms from a great distance and went to investigate, and it really looks a lot like a peony. Doesn't it?


I've been meaning to get a peony to improve my feng shui, but they're expensive. The cheapest peony bulbs I've found online are $13, and the most expensive are $95. And I think I prefer tree peonies, which are sold as three-year-old plants and are even more expensive.


I didn't have a knife on me, but I took two twigs that I thought looked suitable for cuttings. Then I took them home, threw out the hybrid plums, and put the possible peonies in the fun gel instead. Nowhere in my saved webpages does it say that you can propagate peonies from cuttings, but it costs me nothing to try, and if it works, I'd much rather have a peony than a hybrid plum. If it doesn't work, I can go back in early fall and get a bulb, but then I'd better ask the grounds maintenance guy. He probably knows better than me how to dig bulbs, seeing as I've never dug them before. I'd hate to kill somebody else's peony while looking for bulbs.

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