Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garden Ninja on the prowl

I have identified eight locations on the dog's walk where peonies are growing. Real peonies, not roses that I can't tell the difference.

Pros: there are three different colours. Most of them are easily accessible from the driveway without disturbing the owner's property. Two are currently going to seed and the owners have not removed the spent flowers so far. Therefore, if they leave it alone until the seeds mature, I can harvest some seeds from each variety and have a very pleasant assortment of peonies, for free.

Cons: they're all herbaceous peonies, and I really, really want a tree peony. The owners might yet remove the spent flowers before I can get any seeds. And according to Lois Hole, it takes five to seven years for peonies to flower from seed.

On the other hand, time is the one thing I have in ridiculously large excess, so if the peonies take seven years to bloom, so what? I'm not going anywhere. And the baobabs are gonna take 20 years. Free peonies in seven years versus $80 peony next year. Think think think...

Besides, nothing stops me from doing both. I can get free peony seeds this year, and then if the job works out and I have some money later, I can also buy an expensive tree peony.

Of course I could also ask permission to dig some bulbs. There are some at the church, and I know they'd let me. Another house has so many, I doubt they'd mind. And I'm personally acquainted with a third. Between those three, I'd have all three varieties. Could be worth a try.

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