Monday, July 11, 2011


Finally, a bud in my garden. I didn't notice it in the afternoon, but on my evening inspection, I found one of the poppies has a bud. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Flowers! I can't wait to see what colour it's going to be! (Well, realistically, with 4000+ seeds of red poppies, I'm pretty sure it's going to be red.) One of the four o'clocks seems to have buds as well but I'm not familiar with that species, so I don't know if it plans on flowering any time soon.

Meanwhile, I notice the landlord has a pumpkin flower in his garden. I'm jealous. I take way more care of my garden than he does, why does he have flowers before me? I mean, other than the fact that he got nursery plants and I got seeds? Oh, right. Never mind then.

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