Friday, July 1, 2011

A crappy day in the garden

Other than the Canada Day parade, which is a necessary evil, this weekend we also have jetboat races on the river, which runs right in front of my balcony, and they make a ridiculous amount of noise. It's a crazy place to have jetboat races anyway because the town doesn't have the skills or the equipment to rescue them if they have a crash, or the medical facilities to treat them. You crash, we'll just wait for your corpse to drift down to where we can grab it. By the way, do "jet" boats burn jet fuel? Because jet fuel is the vilest of all light-end distillates, and produces a considerable amount of sulphur. I'm sure we needed more sulphur in our air.

In addition, the Legion is having beer gardens, with a live band. I really don't see why they needed to fly six or seven people, with their gear, from Saskatchewan, to play a bunch of covers of songs so old the copyright is just about expired. Get a pile of CDs, that will work just as well. So the band is making up in volume what it lacks in creativity: you can hear them for at least half a mile. Including in the woods by the river, and in over 200 homes were people might have liked to enjoy their own choice of music for the weekend. There are maybe two dozen people at the beer gardens, meaning 99.33% of the town does NOT want to listen to the band. So is there any conceivable reason why it should be heard beyond the edge of the parking lot? No. Try to explain that to them. I phoned and asked them to turn it down, they said "it's a live band." Yeah? So what? They have amplifiers with little knobs on them; you can rotate the knobs so that your patrons can hear it and the rest of us can enjoy our weekend.

Gosh, no, that would be too much like respect. Can't have that in this town. I considered parking my car on the street in front of the Legion and playing classical music at top volume to annoy them, but that's a waste of gas.

Even the ravens are being rude. For whatever reason, there must be at least a dozen of them in the trees behind the school, all singing and talking loudly. All. Day. Long. Maybe they're pissed off at the jetboats too.

Oh well. I thought I'd relax in my garden, but in the garden, you can hear the talentless band even more. Nonetheless, I had some things I wanted to do, so I did. First of all, this morning, I moved the lemon trees outside. I'll probably bring them back in on windy days, but they'll get more light and fresh air on the balcony, and they have to toughen up and face the wind some day anyway.

This afternoon, once the sun wasn't on the balcony anymore and it was cooler, I uprooted the morning glories from Planter #5. It's too bad in that the Star of Yelta was making beautiful flowers, but there are plenty more Star of Yelta vines in the Wall of Insanity, so I'll get it back. Then I repotted a mayday from Planter #4 to Planter #5. I had planned to repot Peng Dehuai, but I had gotten the planter turned around when I was moving things to accommodate the lemon trees, so I inadvertently repotted Liu Shao-ch'i instead. Oh well... I thought Peng Dehuai was stronger, but Liu seems to have handled the transition just fine. It has a nice big healthy root ball than clung to the soil very aggressively. Attaboy!

While I was at it, I looked around for my apricot pits, and they're still not sprouting. Maybe they'll sprout later, but I'm not optimistic. So I have to wonder, how in the world do apricots reproduce in the wild?

Then, I wanted to repot the pear tree from Planter #13 into Planter #4, to give it more sun and more space. I figured it would be better to repot it early, before its roots got too big and possibly tangled with Deng Xiaoping's.


Turns out its main root was way longer than I had expected, and I'm pretty sure I broke it, in which case it's probably gonna die. Ffffffffffffffffffff... ord. I thought gardening was supposed to relax me?

Well, oh well. I discovered there is another one sprouting in Planter #13 anyway, so if the first one dies, I won't be all out of pear trees. I'd like to know whether it's one of the early ones, which I pulled out of stratification because they looked like they were starting to open, or one of the last batch which I de-stratified because it was getting on my nerves.

So, at this time I have nine trees: two lemons, three maydays, two baobabs and two pears. Also six pear seeds, two apricot pits, four baobab seeds, and two hybrid plum cuttings. And I'm coveting a pink lilac I pass on my walks with the dog. I know I said I didn't want a pink lilac, but I have to admit it's very, very pretty. But I was looking at it this morning and I can't see anywhere I could take a cutting anyway, all the new growth has flowers on it already.

Well, I do feel better, actually. And the band is taking a break. That's a relief.

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