Friday, August 19, 2011

Asters, pansies and English daisies

Asters are at the top, and as you can see, they're thriving, and they're all pink. Either the other colours take longer to flower, or this "mix" is not very well mixed.

Pansies are at the bottom, obviously, and looking more jungleicious all the time.

And on the right are the English daisies. Half of the English daisies. The other half, that I repotted a while back, is looking like this:


What I seeded are two mixes and one non-mix. All three packs had pink, the two mixes also had white. So why are all the pink flowers in one planter and all the white ones in the other? Is this another case of colour being dependent on sunlight? If so that's a rip-off. If I buy a mix of pink and white I expect to get pink and white, not pink if I put it in the sun and white if I put in in part shade.

Well, there is time yet. Four more weeks until first frost.

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