Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Death to daisies!

I whacked my Shasta daisies yesterday. They weren't anywhere near flowering and meanwhile they were interfering with my asters and pansies, and competing with the rest of the Jungle for resources. And like I've said before, at some point you have to bloom or die. So I killed them.

I wonder why I'm not succeeding with them, though, because the first year, when I planted a random wildflower mix and didn't have a clue what I was doing, I did have some daisies. They must have been a different variety. Or maybe something much more else, like a brachycome.

Ok, no more Shasta daisies, at least not for now. But for next year, I need something white, medium height, early flowering and not too agressive, to mix with my blue flowers. And until I get more seed catalogs, all I have for candidates are white zinnias, white osteospermums, or white geraniums. Or baby's breath, but I hate baby's breath. Or I suppose the verbena mix is blue and white.

I can't say I'm feeling very enthusiastic.

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