Saturday, August 13, 2011

Garden Ninja is getting aggravated

I got concerned about my apricots again, partly because of something I read that suggested I planted them way too deep, and partly because the soil just wasn't drying out at all. Even the surface remained wet. Not moist, wet.

So, I dug. And I dug. And I dug.

Finally I got to the apricot seeds and...




I kid you not. They were liquid. Vile, gelatinous, foul-smelling white liquid. All five of them. It was disgusting.

So I cracked some other pits that I had saved just in case, but they had been sitting too long and were all dry and useless.

Fine. FINE!

I'll buy more tomorrow, assuming the grocery store still has any. I don't care if I have to eat a thousand apricots, I will grow a tree. The more they thwart me, the less I'm letting them get away with it.

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