Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Something in the CryoVat is sprouting

I destratified the CryoVat a week ago. Have I mentioned that I don't have the patience to stratify? In any case, I give my plants a lot of credit, but I don't think they know the difference between 23 days and 28 days of stratification.

So I put it out on the balcony and ignore it for a while, and yesterday, a sprout! Yay! A sprout! Woooooooooo!

Sadly, it's a pear. And I already had six pears, so that's no good. On the other hand, pears are "supposed" to be stratified 60 to 100 days, yet apparently they'll sprout at 23 just fine. A fortiori the apricots, which are "supposed" to be stratified 28 days, should have no trouble at all. They're probably just slower because they're bigger seeds.

One may hope, anyway.

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