Thursday, August 25, 2011

Er... What's up, Doc?

It occurs to me that I shouldn't have planted all my morning glories together, because:

What is this, exactly? Scarlet O'Hara? Crimson Rambler? The pink thing from the mix?

I'm calling it Scarlet O'Hara, but your guess is as good as mine.


The colour didn't work out all that well, on account of it being white. In reality it was more ivory with a pink aura around the centre. I have never seen a photo or read a description of any such thing. It's not Pearly Gates and it's certainly not a moonflower. In this photo you can see faintly some streaks of colour on the bottom right petal, so I'm calling it part of the Carnival mix, which also produced this:

The autofocus doesn't like it, but it's really pretty.

I've been trying to find an authoritative treatise on morning glories, but no luck so far. Maybe I'll have to write my own some day... if I can ever figure out all the different cultivars. I'm still not sure whether Star of Yelta, Feringa and Grandpa Ott are all the same or all different, and I have several colours that came from mixes and don't have any particular name.

Then once I know everything about morning glories, I'll have to do the same with pansies.

1 comment:

Ioana said...

Scarlet looks gorgeous! :)