Friday, August 12, 2011

Baobab Friday

The highlight of everyone's week! (Right?)

Adansonia digitata. As you can see, the leader with the six adult leaves is now at last taller than the baby leaves. It has now achieved the prodigious height of 2 1/8 inches, making it, I believe, the tallest baobab in the Northwest Territories. And if everyone else starts growing baobabs in the Northwest Territories, you're stealing my bit.

My poor Adansonia za, on the other hand, is looking rather worse all the time. It doesn't have a leader, the one and only adult leaf has made no progress at all in the last month, and the one baby leaf is pretty much dead. That leaves it just one baby leaf to keep feeding itself. I'm now bringing it inside at night and whenever it rains, so it will stay warm and dry, but it could very well be too late already. Luckily there are still two seeds in the dirt and two more in reserve, so all is not lost.

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